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Modmail v3

🎉 v3.0.0​

Modmail v3 includes a robust configuration system to configure 99% of the bot's responses, leaving the sky as the limit of possibilites of how your bot can be customized to your liking, theme, or needs. v3 showcases Discord's newest and greatest UI while providing you a crisp low-response time. Modmail v3 is the only bot you'll ever need for user support!

Purchase Modmail v3 at for as cheap as 2.25€/month!

Customizable Prefix​

Now, you can customize the prefix of your bot on the fly and have it update immediately.

  • !config set prefix ? (changes to ?)

!config set prefix ?

Set prefix to ?

Highly customizable​

The system is highly customizable, giving you the power to customize it to your liking or needs.

Configurations List

modmail_category_id - The category where threads are created

modmail_guild_id - The guild ID of where modmail is based in.

log_channel - The channel where modmail logs and update logs are sent

prefix - The prefix of the bot.

mention - This is the message above user information for when a new thread is created in the channel. You can use a ping here.

main_color - This is the main color for Modmail (help/about/ping embed messages, subscribe, move, etc.).

success_color- This is the color for Modmail when anything is successful.

error_color- This is the color for Modmail when anything goes wrong, unsuccessful commands, or a stern warning.

mod_color - This is the color of the messages sent by the moderators, this applies to messages within in the thread channel and the DM thread messages received by the recipient.

recipient_color - This is the color of the messages sent by the recipient, this applies to messages received in the thread channel.

thread_creation_title - This is the message embed title sent to the recipient upon the creation of a new thread.

thread_creation_response - This is the message embed content sent to the recipient upon the creation of a new thread.

thread_creation_footer - This is the message embed footer sent to the recipient upon the creation of a new thread.

thread_close_title - This is the message embed title sent to the recipient upon the closure of a thread.

thread_close_response - This is the message embed content sent to the recipient upon the closure of a thread.

thread_close_footer - This is the message embed footer sent to the recipient upon the closure of a thread.

thread_move_title- This is the message embed content sent to the recipient upon contacting a member.

thread_move_notify - Notify the recipient if the thread was moved.

thread_move_response - This is the title of the embed sent to the recipient upon the contacting a member.

thread_move_footer - This is the message embed footer sent to the recipient upon contacting a member.

close_on_leave - Closes a modmail thread upon user leave automatically

confirm_thread_creation - Ensure users confirm that they want to create a new thread

confirm_thread_creation_title - Title for the embed message sent to users to confirm a thread creation

confirm_thread_creation_response - Description for the embed message sent to users to confirm a thread creation

confirm_thread_creation_accept - Emoji to accept a thread creation

confirm_thread_creation_deny - Emoji to deny a thread creation

disabled - Stop accepting new Modmail threads. Users won't be able to create new threads, but existing ones will still function as expected.

disabled_new_threads_title - The title of the message embed when Modmail new thread creation is disabled and user tries to create a new thread.

disabled_new_threads_response - The body of the message embed when Modmail new thread creation is disabled and user tries to create a new thread.

disabled_new_threads_footer - The footer of the message embed when Modmail new thread creation is disabled and user tries to create a new thread.

sent_emoji - Emoji that indicates a thread message was sent

error_emoji - Emoji that indicates something was unsuccessful

blocked_emoji - Emoji that indicates a user is blocked from modmail

success_emoji - Emoji that indicates success

!config set thread_creation_response Thanks for contacting our staff team, please wait for a response.

Set thread_creation_response to Thanks for contacting our staff team, please wait for a response.

!config set thread_close_response {closer.mention} has closed this thread.

Set thread_creation_response to {closer.mention} has closed this thread.

!config set success_emoji ☑

Set success_emoji to ☑

Integrated Menus System​

The thread menu system allows users who are creating a thread to choose from preset options set by admins. Depending on which option they select, the thread will move itself to a category set by you, in the option settings.

Adding options​

!menu options add

Please send what you want the dropdown option label to be.

Report User

Please send the description you would like to be displayed in the option. Use 'none' for no description.

Report a user (not staff member) for breaking server rules.

Please send the category ID you would like the thread to be sent to. Use 'none' for the thread not to be moved.


Successfully created menu option!

Label: Report User
Description: Report a user (not staff member) for breaking server rules.
Move to: 1089262352530161684

How it looks​

You can have as many options as you'd like, as long as it doesn't exceed the Discord select menu option limit.

Thread Logging​

v3 showcases enhanced thread logging. You can manage the global thread logs with the !logs command and sub-commands.

Discord-Styled Logs​

Yup! No gloomy Pastebin logs anymore, v3 uses that uses Discord styles. The entire thread history is uploaded to the website for ease of use and makes it easier to view later (your data is 100% safe).

Permission Levels​

v3 uses permission levels to decide which user can use what command.


Improvements are being made to v3, so if you have a v1 or v2 modmail bot, you will need to pay $2 USD for your bot to be migrated to v3. This includes me manually transferring any snippets you have, or other configurations you want saved in v3; which is a pain.

Purchase Modmail v3 at for as cheap as 2.25€/month!

You will need to join my development server in order to purchase this new system. Join here.

Full Commands List​

!anonreply <message>Reply to a modmail thread anonymously
!move <category_name>Move a modmail thread
!logging [user]Get previous Modmail thread logs of a member, or all if user isn't provided.
!logging delete [user]Wipe a log entry from the database, don't provide a log ID to wipe all.
!help [command]Shows this message
!contact <member>Contact a user
!block [user] [reason]Block a user from modmail, reason is optional and is not shown to the user.
!close [time] [message]Close a thread with an optional time argument
!close cancelCancel a closure
!statusCustomize the bot's status loop
!status remove Remove an entry to the bot's status loop
!status add Add an entry to the bot's status loop
!snippet [name]Invoke a snippet
!snippet remove [name]Remove a snippet
!snippet add [name]Add a snippet
!reply <message>Reply to a modmail thread
!configManage configurations for the bot.
!config list None
!config set Set a configuration variable and its value
!menu Customize options users can select when creating a Modmail thread.
!menu embed_text Set the text that is displayed in the embed of the menu message.
!menu enable Enable the thread menu.
!menu dropdown_placeholder Set the text that is displayed in the dropdown menu.
!menu disable Disable the thread menu.
!menu options Manage options for the Modmail menu
!alert [member]Get notified of the next thread message
!unblock [user]Unblock a user from modmail.
!permissions Manage permissions for each permission level
!permissions view View the roles for all permission levels
!permissions add Add a role to a permission level. Permission levels: OWNER, ADMIN, MODERATOR, SUPPORTER, and REGULAR
!permissions remove Remove a role from a permission level. Permission levels: OWNER, ADMIN, MODERATOR, SUPPORTER, and REGULAR